Avoiding rental scams

Report a scammer to Opendoor

Or contact trust@opendoor.com

Are Opendoor homes for rent?
No. All homes on Opendoor are for sale. We never show homes for rent on our site.

The person I spoke to said they work for Opendoor. How do I know Opendoor isn’t involved?
Opendoor doesn’t rent homes. If someone is claiming to work for us to rent you a home, call 888-352-7075.

How do I know Opendoor owns the home?
Every home’s detail page has a section below the photos and description. It says who the broker is and where it’s listed. If it says Opendoor Brokerage LLC or Opendoor Brokerage Inc next to the listing agent name, it means Opendoor owns it and it is for sale.

Will Opendoor reimburse me for the money I lost?
While we understand your situation, only your bank can reimburse you. To try to get reimbursed:

  • File a report with your local law enforcement.
  • Report the scam to the financial institution you used to pay the suspects.

Can an owner change their mind and use Opendoor to rent their home?
No. All homes on Opendoor are for sale. We never rent homes or work with a homeowner to rent their home.

Does Opendoor rent-to-own
No, we don’t offer rent-to-own on any of our homes or homes we list on our site that are for sale by others.

How do I know if someone is scamming me?
Finding the right home is hard. And when you find the perfect one, it’s understandable why you’d want to move fast. 

Here are a few things to help keep you safe from a rental scam.

  • If it looks too good to be true, it probably is — especially if the price is low for that area.
  • Before you pay any money, or share personal info (like your Social Security Number or bank account), make sure you sign a lease. This is especially true when you’re asked to wire money. To be safe, you should also meet them in person.
  • Every site must include the name of the listing agent or person selling the home.
  • Double-check the home detail page to see if those names match. If they don’t, it’s most likely fake.